The War on Poverty Project
Evaluating the lasting, economic effects of the War on Poverty
War on Poverty Conference Schedule
6050 Institute for Social Research (ISR), 426 Thompson Street, University of Michigan (UM) or view online.
Friday, December 14
Short talks:
Jacob Bastian: “The Rise of Working Mothers and the 1975 Earned Income Tax Credit”
Andrew Goodman-Bacon: “A Strong Start: Short- and Long-Run Effects from Medicaid’s Introduction”
Jamein Cunningham: “Legal Services and the Civilian Perspective”
Rob Gillezeau: “The Community Action Program and the 1960s Uprisings”
Nic Duquette: “Beethoven, Baumol and Bloat: The Establishment of the National Endowment for the Arts and the Professionalization of American Orchestras” (with Mirae Kim)
Bryan Stuart: “The Economic Impact of a High National Minimum Wage: Evidence from the 1966 Fair Labor Standards Act” (with Martha Bailey and John DiNardo)